Smith Wesson K Frame Serial Numbers

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Smith & wesson k frame serial numbers list

All downloadable content is subject to change and is provided here for reference purposes only. Please contact our customer support representatives for the most up to date information at 1-800-331-0852 Ext. Eastern Standard Time, Monday - Friday. Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial.

I appreciated the serial number to dates of manufacture linkages, and valuation guides as well. This IS the 'one book' as far as Smith & Wesson handgun references go. Later, I needed information to corroborate the attributes of a rare S&W Model 39 pistol in the steel frame & steel slide variation. Would someone be able to look up the shipping date on a Smith & Wesson Model 10-5 for me? Serial number is 3D284XX. It has a pinned tapered barrel. Cylinders are not recessed. I got it on GB for about $350. The seller said it was 'like new,' and he wasn't kidding. Someone had fired it,.

When posting a S&W serial number in a quest for a shipping date, do not fail to .. Do the last three indicate the production number or just part of the date code?. Default S&W serial#/date of manf. Where can I find a list telling the manufacture date for the serial number on a S&W model 36 Chief Special?. Can anyone point me to a website or other source that would allow me to determine the year of manufacture of a .32 S&W Regulation Police .. Smith and Wesson serial number search Handguns: The Revolver Forum. .. (now on it's third edition) which also contains serial number/dates. ... This is a date code; the first number is the last digit of the year, and the next 3 .. Need some help guys. I loaned my S&W book out to a friend, and now I have someone asking me about a date of manufacture. His is a K-22 .. I've been drooling (figuratively ;) ) over a 'Dirty Harry' Smith & Wesson 6 1/2' model 29-2 w/ PB, TT, TH, & RC serial numbered N63xxx at a .. I scored this beautiful Model 29-2 and was wondering if anyone on this site has access to a book that gives an idea of the date of manufacture .. I've got an old S&W snub nosed .38. Right side of barrel: 'S.& W. SPL. Left side: 'SMITH&WESSON'. Frame numbers and barrel support match. I have just acquired a S&W 657 with serial number BEW 8***. .. models with a dash number after the model and gives some relative dates of manufacture. .. Nose in S&W Standard Catalog and not finding code 'BEW' at all. The serial number is on the butt or bottom of the grip. If there is no 'dash ' number following the Model number then the gun dates to 1977. For 1927-1944 year of manufacture date codes, see 'Spanish Year ... 0 0 0.38 S&W 9 39 10 5.38 Colt Special 82 7 0 0.38 S&W Special 25 0 2 .. 1927-1944 year of manufacture date codes, see. 'Spanish Year ... .38 S&W. 9. 39. 10. 5 .38 Colt. Special. 82. 7. 0. 0 .38 S&W. Special. 25. 0. 2. 0 .38-44. 2. 11. Sometimes the serial number is here, especially in later models. Earlier models have them here: S&W revolver names before World War II. This is about the best you'll get without somebody who has the book of serial numbers manufacture date: Model and Dash numbering system. I've been trying to find out the year of a S&W Model 36(no dash) 38 special, 3' barrel, blue. The serial number is 48J3XX Thanks in advance. Manufacture Year by Serial Number 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to 1983: .. Smith & Wesson M&P Revolver - Model 10 updated their status. .. For the exact date on your gun request the letter from the S&W Historian. 7575. Please enter the serial number below :. Hello, i am new to the forum sorry if this a repeat question. i am trying to get information on manufacture dates relative to serial numbers. This is a discussion on Serial number breakdown within the MP Full Size . the label should have a date code on it . smith and wesson serial number database. The Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852, in Norwich, Connecticut. The company's first offering was a lever-action repeating pistol.

Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Codes

Today, Smith & Wesson is mostly known for revolvers and their growing line of M&P pistols. Despite the rapidly growing popularity of these polymer-framed striker fired semi-auto pistols, there’s also a lot of buzz around the former metal-framed S&W pistols that were discontinued a few years ago. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - Sigma Series. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - SW99. Once you've located the serial number, then you can try to contact Smith and Wesson and see if they can give you an information about your particular gun like date of manufacture or other specific details. Partnership with Horace Smith & Daniel B. Wesson was from 1856–1874. Family owned by the Wesson Family from 1874–1965. Smith & Wesson became a subsidiary of Bangor-Punta from 1965–1983. Between 1983–1987, Smith & Wesson was owned by the Lear Siegler Co. On May 22, 1987, it was sold to R.L.Tomkins, a British holding company.

SmithSmith Wesson K Frame Serial Numbers

Smith & Wesson K Frame Serial Numbers


Smith & Wesson K Frame Revolvers

Smith and Wesson made a lot of guns. We sometimes debate their efficiency at tracking serials. Part of our confusion comes from us not having a clear idea of how and when they were assigned, and how and when assembly numbers were assigned. Its also probably important that those methods may have changed over time (remember, they've been in business for a while.)
S&W is known to hold blocks of numbers for some purposes. It means if they want to build a comemmorative, all the guns have sequential numbers. Or sometimes, anyhow. It doesn't mean they were all completed the same day or week, just that someone went to the effort to assure they had similar numbers.
From what I can glean from the books on the subject, S&W logs in guns when they move from production/inspection to the 'vault', the place where they're shipped from. The letters we beg from Roy indicate another date, the date they're shipped from the vault. It may be important that those may be the same day, or a date years later.
Some guns were hot sellers. S&W is a business. They, like all other business entities have cash flow problems and concerns. If they have a completed gun, and a willing customer, they ship it. They also completed some batch blocks of guns. Its just cheaper and easier to build the same configuration guns at the same time. Even if there isn't a ready and willing customer.
We also know S&W made some ugly ducklings. Many of us don't feel that way today... But there was a time frame where you almost couldn't give away a Heavy Duty or Outdoorsman. Or K32s. So they languished. Probably in the vault.
All an adjacent serial number means is that the guns were probably in production at the same time, maybe even side by side for a few steps in the production process, maybe separated on different racks, too. We just don't know and Roy hasn't indicated if records exist of various guns in various stages. Its probably safe to say many gun frames were sequentially numbered at about the same time. Its an internal control issue.
But we also find guns from time to time where the factory has no records of them existing. Its not unusual for one of us to blow our meager allowances on letters. Only to get one back that says 'Open on Company books.' We have no idea what that phrase really means, but probably any of a number of things, including stolen (lunchbox guns), destroyed during production, pulled out for some reason and never shipped or sold, given to an employee for whatever reason, etc. I've got a beautiful early Centennial that came back that way. It just happens.
We seem to read way to much into serial numbers. A lot of are willing to pay a premium, some time a multiple of fair market, just to obtain a desireable number. I've done it before and I'll do it again. The family (my family) owns 2 637s. Younger son covets the one with a 'CCW' prefix. Two reasons, he doesn't clean his guns, and the CCW is new/pristine, and its just a cool number. Sebago Son owns a K22. He mercilessly lofts it over my head because he located it in a chicken coop, and because it has K117 on the underside. All I've managed to score are K155 and K166. And I was mad at Blake (one of our posters) because he let K141 escape to an unwashed heathen owner. The guy who owned K137 wouldn't sell it to me, nor would the owner of K188.
So maybe I should rephrase the first sentence of that last paragraph. I read way too much into serial numbers! :)

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